Pupils at The Dales School present with a range of significant speech, language and communication difficulties and/or learning difficulties and/or behavioural needs.
To meet a pupil’s individual needs, we have developed an integrated approach to teaching, learning support and therapeutic intervention. Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapists, a Music Therapist and Teachers work together with highly skilled Support Staff, using a range of recognised strategies, to address a pupil’s specific individual needs.
Therapists may work with pupils individually, in pairs or small groups, or lead whole class sessions supported by teaching staff. Therapy objectives and targets are seen as an integral part of curriculum delivery and are embedded within the daily approach for each pupil. This joint responsibility and collaborative way of working allows for each pupil to receive an individualised approach to their learning which can respond quickly to their changing needs.
All pupils have a consistent approach plan, EHCP targets and life and basic skills targets for each half term. These targets and approaches underpin all aspects of the school day and support each child to maximise their overall progress.