Religious Education at the The Dales School

At The Dales School, RE is woven through our curriculum, including basic and life skills and subject specific learning. The learning is personalised for the children and carefully planned to meet their needs. We focus on discovering, exploring, connecting and responding.

RE can provide children with:

  • An insight into the world of religion and human experience
  • Opportunities to participate in spiritual or reflective activity
  • Opportunities to make links with their own lives
  • A way of addressing deep issues of concern in helpful ways through exploring spiritual material and seeing how others have tackled difficult experiences.
  • A safe space to explore challenging emotions, thoughts and challenging questions.
  • The opportunity to develop their self awareness.

For those children who are working in the Early Years Curriculum, RE sits within the personal, social and emotional development and understanding of the world.

Parents & carers have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of RE.

Please click here to view further information about the Northumberland RE Agreed Syllabus 2202-2027