At The Dales School we believe physical education (PE) and sport plays an important role in supporting every pupil to develop their personal qualities, social development and communication, and their physical and mental health. PE, sport and outdoor learning opportunities offer the potential to change young people’s lives for the better.

Sports premium must be used to make additional and sustainable improvements to the quality of PE and sports which we offer. We are committed to using this resource in developing high quality PE lessons, alongside greater opportunities for outdoor physical play and sporting competitions for all our pupils.

What does the Sport Premium mean for my school?

Sport and PE play a key role in developing physical wellbeing alongside self-esteem and communication skills.

PE & Sports Premium Allocation 2022-2023: £17,610

2022/23 funding was targeted at:

  • Commissioning a bus driver to transport children and staff to and from swimming and outdoor learning
  • PE equipment
  • Staff training in Rebound Therapy
  • National Trust membership to allow outdoor learning and sports


Impact of funding:

  • Wider range of PE activities available
  • Children have access to higher quality equipment
  • Pupils can access PE activities outside school
  • Staff deliver high quality safe sessions
  • High quality provision during outdoor learning


Sustainability of funding

  • Specialised coaching improves the practise and expertise of all staff
  • Children need to continue to learn how to be safe around water
  • Introduces pupils to being active outside school
  • High quality equipment improves the engagement of pupils
  • Children play games and take part in sport using the school yard in their free time.



Percentages of pupils within our year 6 cohort who can do each of the following:

Swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres 0.00%
Use a range of strokes effectively 0.00%
Perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations 0.00%