Continuing our journey around the world this week, 6B have been learning about the continent of South America and the Amazon rainforest. The children have looked at where South America is located in the world and have focused on finding out about rainforest habitats.

They have learned about different carnivores, herbivores and omnivores and worked in teams to fit the animals into food chains. The children have then described their food chains, using their ICT skills to record sentences onto the electronic storyboards, before writing their descriptions in their workbooks. The children have also thought about planning an Amazon safari, planning out routes to see different animals depending on the best times of the day to see each one and showing these times – at o’clock, half past and quarter past – on blank clock faces. As well as this they have thought about how to measure time using minutes and seconds, and taken part in a number of different jungle-related activities, estimating how long they expected each activity to take them to complete and then timing themselves with stopwatches.

The children have used different shades of green and brown paint with a range of objects and materials to print a rainforest scene and added different Amazon animals to it. They have used books and news reports to research the Amazon rainforest and have used this information to create a storyboard script to record their own news reports on the school cameras, with a particular focus on the damage being done to the rainforest by humans

Thinking about popular food from South American countries, 6B have cooked their own tortillas and safely chopped vegetables to make some tasty fajitas this week in the cookery room. As well as this the children have practised their reading and spelling in phonics and continued learning how to work together as a team through social games and activities.