This week in green class we have done some fantastic learning about famous artists and their craft. On Monday we were introduced to the Scottish artist Steven Brown and his famous McCoos. We completed a CSI challenge using UV pens and a cryptex by looking at some different forms of art from famous artists throughout history. We then designed our own McCoo style highland cows to add to our pop up books that we would complete later in the week.

On Tuesday, we tried our hand at some photography and learned about the American photographer, Edward Weston. We then used our superb knowledge of algorithms to create a coded animation of the McCoo style animals we designed.

On Wednesday, we completed our second CSI challenge by solving various maths, English and science based challenges. We found out that one of our teachers had pulled off an amazing heist on our muffins that we baked in the morning. Luckily, seeing as we worked together as crime scene investigators, we managed to find them. In the afternoon, we did some brilliant team building challenges that worked on our communication as a class.

On Thursday, we did our weekly challenge carousel. We completed various activities such as jump the line true or false to assess our understanding of what we had learned so for this week. We then started our new PE topic for the term which is fitness and wellbeing. We did some circuit training to work on different part of our body and learned about living a healthy lifestyle. We then completed the writing for our amazing pop up books and checked over our writing for errors in spelling, punctuation or grammar.

On Friday we learned about kindness and the importance of being kind to others. We designed the kindest person in the world and discussed what traits this person would have. We finished the day with some challenge pack time and finally some PE to work on our individual PE targets. To see our work login to your child’s Evidence for Learning for some pictures and in depth comments on how they got on.