This week 6B have finished off putting together their newspapers about Captain Sir Tom Moore. We have continued reading the story of his life, and the children used it to inspire some pieces of work to put into their papers.
They have created information maps of the world, using Google maps to identify where Captain Tom visited when he was in the army and learned a little more about his past life, writing sentences about the places he saw and visited. They’ve also created a model of a countryside scene with their own miniature Captain Toms riding a motorbike, and have taken photographs of this to use in their newspapers.
The children have continued practicing subtraction in maths, applying their knowledge of subtraction to solving word problems, and in phonics the children have continued working on reading, spelling and writing with their targeted sounds. The children have made a vegetable bolognese in cookery and we have had a big emphasis on speaking and listening activities this week, with the children taking part in lots of activities and games to practice their listening, turn-taking and interaction skills.